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Lapsis-Interview with the director Noah Hutton

By Francesco Rosati

With the help of Jasmine Tulli

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In a parallel present, the delivery man Ray Tincelli is struggling to support himself and his ailing younger brother. After a series of two-bit hustles and unsuccessful swindles, Ray takes a job in a strange new realm of the gig economy: trekking deep into the forest, pulling cable over miles of terrain to connect large, metal cubes that link together the new quantum trading market. As he gets pulled deeper into the zone, he encounters growing hostility and the threat of robot cablers, and must choose to either help his fellow workers or to get rich and get out. 

I was lucky enough to interview Noah Hutton the director of Lapsis presented in Italy at the Trieste Science + Fiction Festival 2020


Lapsis' plot and story are great. Thanks for creating this little masterpiece! How did you come up with the idea?

It did not come all at once. In fact, it is quite mysterious where ideas come from. Many parts of them die along the way, and little kernels survive and continue, much like natural selection. When they survive they tell you what the idea is, they sort of announce what they are, and often it's not what you thought they were to begin with. So it's a feedback loop, and in my experience the work can only develop into something richer and more complex if you pay attention to what the little kernels of the idea are telling you about themselves. In the case of LAPSIS I think the idea came from two places mainly: the feeling of what it's like to be an independent contractor, to sort of be an autonomous unit hired for your labor but completely divorced from the product you're creating, and also from my interest in brain science, the idea of the plasticity of the nervous system, the constant need for re-wiring.

Could Lapsis be a cry of protest against capitalism?

Yes, absolutely!

Will there be a second chapter?

No plans on a second chapter for now. 

In your opinion, what happen in the movie could happen in real life?

Yes, that's what's crazy to me about it. Lapsis features a completely absurd world, with completely absurd rules. But why is it that it sort of feels like it's possible? I think this means that the world we live in right now has many absurd qualities that we accept as ground-truth; I hope the film sort of punctures that veneer of normalcy a little bit and reveals the absurdity around us... then we might feel more inclined to do something about it.

Besides a hypothetical sequel, do you have any other plans for the future?

Yes, I am right now writing a new script. It is a story about an advertising agency and aliens. 

Who was the funniest actor on set?

Dean Imperial, the lead actor, who plays Ray, always kept everyone's spirits high and has a great sense of humor.

Were you happy to participate in the Trieste Science plus fiction festival, one of the most important sci-fi festivals of Europe?

Yes, I was very happy to participate in the Trieste Science plus Fiction Festival, and it was lovely to talk to Italian journalists about LAPSIS. I was so disappointed that I could not attend the festival in person, and show a film of mine for the first time in Italy. I will really hope to return sometime in the future with another film.

And lastly. Will Lapsis be released in Europe, perhaps distributed by Netflix or Amazon Prime Video?

It will be released in Italy, we just don't know exactly when or where yet. Please stay tuned! You can follow us on Instagram or Twitter where we will post the latest information about the film's release in Italy and elsewhere.

ps: in Italy we have the best voice actors in the world!

So I have heard! I would be so lucky as to have LAPSIS dubbed by these renowned Italian voice actors I have heard about!


Follow Noah Hutton on Instagram and Twitter

Lapsis on Instagram 

Lapsis on Twitter 


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