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Skylin3s-Interview with the director Liam O'Donnell

By Francesco Rosati
With the help of Jasmine Tulli

I was lucky enough to interview Liam O'Donnell the director of Skylin3s presented at the Trieste Science + Fiction Festival 2020.

Was it difficult to shoot “Skylin3s"?

Yes, Skylin3s is a really unique independent science fiction action-adventure that presented a lot of challenges. We have an international ensemble cast, massive sets, lots of stunts, fights and action, practical alien suits, and a whole lot of visual effects all done on less than one-twentieth of a big studio blockbuster. So it’s really challenging for me on every level. The script has to not only tell a compelling and fun action packed story but it’s a blueprint for how to create it in an efficient cost effective way. 

For Beyond Skyline we used a lot of real locations and shot in three different countries which was very difficult and expensive. So for this one, we shot a lot more on stages and back lots. We also shot less fully green screen sets so we were able to keep VFX costs lower as well. With almost every production there’s never enough time or money and you’re always up against it but we manage to juggle everything and still have a lot of fun making it.

What is your best memory on set?

I had an awesome time with this cast and crew so it’s hard to pick the best memory. I really loved filming the cavern action scene with Jonathan Howard’s character Leon trying to get to Lindsey Morgan’s Rose. Had a blast filming the camp village siege with Rhona Mitra and Yayan Ruhian. I really love our alien hero character Trent so filming scenes with him and Rose were a lot of fun too. But without giving too much away… at the very end of the film we have Rose using her powers and flying across the set blasting energy right into the camera. It was supposed to be a green screen shot with Lindsey on a wire on the second unit but I decided we should do it in camera on the main unit instead. So my amazing DP Alain Duplantier and the crew built a sled for Lindsey to sit on in front of the dolly so she was moving across the set right along with the camera. Lindsey was a little unsure about it at first but I really encouraged her to go for it. And boy did she deliver. It’s the emotional climax of the entire film and one of the best shots of my career.

I've seen the entire trilogy and my favorite film is the third. What's yours? 

Thank you! My wife and I just had our fourth child this August who we named Trent after the alien! But it’s a similar thing with children and films, you can’t really pick your favorite child but it’s obviously really exciting when a new one is born or made! So right now I am really proud of part 3. I think it’s my best work as a writer and director. But Beyond Skyline was my first film as a director and was such a unique and crazy experience, it will always have a special place in my heart. And none of them would exist if it weren’t for the first film which was my first produced screenplay and really kickstarted my whole career. So I love and embrace them all. I think the challenge is to not repeat ourselves and continue to experiment and reimagine what this independent science-fiction franchise can be.

Considering the end of the movie, it is clear that there will be a fourth chapter. Is it right?

Well, I would certainly love to keep making them. It all depends on the audience and if they continue supporting these films. I try to make each film feel like a stand-alone adventure that’s part of a bigger story. Without giving too much away, the tease at the end felt right for the characters. That’s the relationship they need to heal and find some peace with so it would be a lot of fun to bring back some characters from the past films and have everyone bouncing off each other in part 4.

Where and in how long did you record the film?

We filmed Skylin3s on stages outside of Vilnius, Lithuania in the summer of 2019. We shot around thirty-five main unit days. Nine second unit days. Two splinter unit days. After we wrapped my editor Barrett Heathcote and I cut the film until December last year then started working on VFX and notes in 2020. We locked the cut in February in London right before Covid shut the world down so from then on we worked on the sound, visual effects, and music with artists remotely around the world. We finally finished the movie in October 2020 for our premiere at Frightfest then we screened at Trieste and just recently the Tokyo Film Festival. Next, we premiere in the US at Austin Other Worlds before we are out in limited theaters and VOD on December 18th in the US and the UK. 

I really liked Lindsey Morgan so much. Who was the funniest actor on set?

Lindsey is very funny and a lot of fun to work with. But her role was very intense in this film. We joked that almost every single day she had to either scream or cry. And the way she uses her powers in this takes a lot of focus and energy. So Jonathan Howard was really tasked with keeping things light and ad-libbing jokes and moments into the movie. Like the moment he just shoots an already dead alien on the way out the door or one of my favorite ad libs was when Lindsey compliments him on his fighting moves and he replied “finally she’s impressed!” He did a great job at adding levity and humor that still felt grounded and character based.

And last, I really liked Skylin3s. In your opinion, besides your fantastic direction, what's the element that makes the film so good?

Thank you again, much appreciated! I really think what makes it special is that we had a really strong team of collaborators. This film was really European based. French DP and gaffer, costumes from Spain, production design and props from Belgium, stunts from Berlin, VFX from the UK and Cologne and the US. Cast from all over the world. I think by becoming a more global franchise with each outing we bring in fresh ideas and influences and continue to push ourselves to be better. So the credit really belongs to everyone who helped make it what it is.

And I think Lindsey and the rest of the cast really immersed themselves in their characters and delivered just the right fun tone for an intergalactic science fiction action-adventure.


Congratulations on the costumes, Trent is great!

Thank you, Trent is near and dear to my heart. Really love that character. I loved developing the aliens more as characters in this film and I am really proud of the Matriarch villain character. I think she’s a great blend of a practical suits and CG and just love every moment she’s on the screen.


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